Preston Consulting Pty Ltd

Sustaining Corporate Member

General Services ? View service descriptions

Project Management; Marine and Coastal; Stakeholder Consultation; Environmental Impact Assessment and Approvals; Environmental Audits; Environmental Management Plans (EMP); Land Use Planning; Mine Closure Planning; Compliance Reporting

Leanne James

Leanne James Environmental
Full Member

General Services ? View service descriptions

Environmental Audits; Environmental Management Plans (EMP); Rehabilitation; Mine Closure Planning; Compliance Reporting


Bachelor of Science Conservation Biology with Honours

MBS Environmental

Corporate Member

General Services ? View service descriptions

Project Management; Environmental Management Systems (EMS); Environmental Impact Assessment and Approvals; Environmental Audits; Contaminated Sites; Environmental Management Plans (EMP); Waste - Solid Management; Hydrogeology; Hydrology; Mine Closure Planning; Compliance Reporting

Tracey Parker

Full Member

General Services ? View service descriptions

Environmental Impact Assessment and Approvals; Environmental Audits; Mine Closure Planning; Compliance Reporting


Bachelor of Environmental Science, Diploma of Project Management, Lead EMS auditor