Bennelongia Environmental Consultants

Corporate Member


Bennelongia undertakes faunal surveys and provides services relating to environmental approvals and conservation planning for species. Our staff specialise in stygofauna, troglofauna, short range endemic terrestrial invertebrates, aquatic invertebrates, wetland and river management issues, waterbirds and shorebirds. The company has conducted fieldwork throughout Western Australia and operates a large laboratory for in-house invertebrate identifications. Staff have many years experience in government environmental policy and have published widely in the scientific literature.

Experience practicing in:

  • Fauna surveys, especially relating to stygofauna, troglofauna, short range endemic invertebrates and aquatic fauna (both invertebrate and vertebrate
  • Monitoring fauna and fauna habitat
  • Specialist invertebrate identifications, especially relating to stygofauna, troglofauna, short range endemic invertebrates and aquatic invertebrates
  • Environmental impact assessments, including desktop reviews, for wetland, river and subterranean systems and short range endemic invertebrates
  • Specialist bird surveys and censuses, especially relating to waterbirds and shorebirds
  • AusRivAS and other assessments of river and wetland condition
  • Peer review of impact assessments and methodology

General Services ? View service descriptions

Environmental Impact Assessment and Approvals
Environmental Management Plans (EMP)
Terrestrial Invertebrate Fauna
Subterranean Fauna