Debra Pearce

Full Member


Dr Debra Pearce, Managing Director of Kimberley Boab Consulting Pty Ltd (trading as Cygnium), has provided
environmental, community and agricultural development consulting services across regional Western Australia
since 2010. As Principal Consultant, Dr Pearce holds a Bachelor of Science, a Master of Arts in Ecologically
Sustainable Development, and a Doctor of Philosophy (Geography). Her PhD research focused on agricultural
development in relation to the wildflower industry in southern Western Australia. Dr Pearce has substantial experience in securing environmental approvals in the Kimberley, and has a focus on assisting clients to achieve their agricultural development objectives.

Experience practicing in:

  • Environmental approvals and licencing
  • Compliance assessment
  • Environmental audits
  • Environmental Management Plans
  • Agricultural development
  • Indigenous land management

General Services ? View service descriptions

Project Management
Environmental Audits
Environmental Management Plans (EMP)
Compliance Reporting


Doctor of Philosophy (Geography)
Master of Arts (Ecologically Sustainable Development)
Bachelor of Science
Integrated Management Systems Lead Auditor