Jordan Tindiglia

Full Member


Jordan Reid has worked in the environmental sector since 2007 for both State government and private industry. She has been involved in a wide range of projects including vegetation and flora assessments (Level 1 and 2 surveys), environmental monitoring and management plan development, vegetation health and rehabilitation assessments and Landscape Function Analysis. Since joining GHD in 2011, Jordan has further developed her skills in flora identification, multivariate statistical analysis and project management. Jordan has a sound knowledge of environmental legislation and Commonwealth and State environmental approvals processes having worked on a number of environmental impact assessments and subsequent referrals and permit applications.

Experience practicing in:

  • Vegetation and flora surveys
  • Targeted flora and weed surveys
  • Vegetation health and rehabilitation assessments
  • Flora identification and plant taxonomy
  • Survey and monitoring design and implementation
  • Preparation of statutory documents (e.g. referrals, vegetation clearing permits)
  • Scientific writing

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Terrestrial Flora/Vegetation