Natalia Huang

Full Member


Natalia is Principal Ecologist at Ecology Matters Australia, a specialist fauna consultancy providing vertebrate fauna expertise across Western Australia. She specializes in providing expert guidance on designing fauna assessments which best solve her client’s challenges. With a deep-rooted passion for helping people and wildlife, Natalia brings 20 years of fauna experience to a multi-sector discipline.

Natalia has worked in or collaborated with each sector – state government, NGO, private consulting, zoo, academia and private landowners – which means she understands the opportunities and obstacles each sector and its people have. She has had wonderful clients from local government, mining companies, environmental consultancies, fauna consultancies and residential developers.

In Ecology Matters Australia and for another leading fauna consultancy, she manages entire fauna projects from start to finish. This includes the budget and scope, literature and desktop review, field planning and logistics, people management, client liaison, scientifically-rigorous field survey design, field surveys (all vertebrate fauna and conservation significant species), data management, GIS/mapping, report preparation and review, and final submissions.

When required, Ecology Matters engages a team of fabulous zoologists which allows large projects to be undertaken. By taking a lead role in all fauna work, Natalia personally understands every detail of the project and ensures it is executed to the highest standards for her clients. In addition, she works with brilliant botanists to provide a one-stop shop for flora and fauna assessments.

Natalia conducts and oversees Basic and Detailed fauna assessments as required by the EPA, targeted conservation significant assessments, environmental impact assessment, monitoring programs and customized fauna work. She has worked across Western Australia, including Perth metropolitan area, Southwest, Pilbara, South Coast, Wheatbelt, Midwest, Goldfields, Murchison, Gascoyne and Kimberley. Her work on conservation significant species includes carnaby’s black-cockatoo, baudin’s black-cockatoo, forest red-tailed black-cockatoo, pebblemound mouse, northern quoll, chuditch, bilby, grey falcon, quenda, migratory waders, western ringtail possum, trapdoor spiders, ghost bat, and many others. Natalia is experienced in a range of field survey techniques, including visual and aural surveys, pitfall traps, Elliott and cage traps, camera traps, Anabat bat detectors, passive acoustic recorders and searching for secondary evidence (tracks, scats, diggings).

As a committed member of the Environmental Consultants Association, Natalia upholds the highest standards through working with integrity, professionalism, scientific rigour, regulatory compliance and is constantly seeking to progress industry practices. Beyond consultancy, Natalia is working towards protecting land for wildlife conservation, being a kick-ass parent and relishing life in the Ferguson Valley.

Experience practicing in:

  • Fauna assessments
  • Environmental impact assessment for fauna and ecology
  • Scientifically-robust survey design which meets needs of client
  • Professional, straightforward, scientific reports

Specialist Services ? View service descriptions

Terrestrial Vertebrate Fauna

General Services ? View service descriptions

Terrestrial Vertebrate Fauna


Master of Business and Administration, Murdoch University.
Honours (Conservation Biology), Murdoch University.
Bachelor of Environmental Science (major Zoology), University of Western Australia.