Nicholas Evelegh

Full Member


Nick Evelegh, Principal Environmental Scientist with Rockwater Pty Ltd, has had ten years experience in environmental research and consulting. Nick holds a B.Sc. (Hons) degree in Environmental Biology. He has wide-ranging experience in environmental management within the mining, and construction industries, including environmental impact assessment, flora and vegetation surveys, rehabilitation planning and monitoring, rare flora management, insect pollination and project environmental management. Nick has undertaken extensive vegetation mapping and baseline biological survey work throughout the South-West and Eremaean botanical provinces of Western Australia, with particular focus on the Northern sandplains, Jarrah Forest, Wheatbelt districts and Southern coastal areas of the State.

Experience practicing in:

  • Planning and Implementation of EIA programs
  • Botanical Surveys and Flora Inventories
  • Vegetation/Habitat Mapping
  • Rehabilitation Planning and Monitoring
  • Project Management
  • Invertebrate Pollination Surveys
  • Rare and Priority Flora Surveys
  • Vegetation Condition Assessments

General Services ? View service descriptions

Project Management
Environmental Impact Assessment and Approvals
Data Management, Analysis
Subterranean Fauna
Terrestrial Flora/Vegetation