Paul Byrnes

Full Member


Paul is a Principal Scientist with extensive experience in statutory approvals, systems management, project management, waste management, auditing and community consultation areas. Paul's experience has been gained in complex and large-scale environmental operations across a broad range of industries including mining, construction, oil and gas, liquefied natural gas, chemical manufacturing, intensive agricultural industries and waste management, as well as with regulatory agencies. Paul's major strength is his experience working closely with both private industry and government authorities, and understanding requirements and intricacies of both, enabling the highest level of environmental advice and consultation.

Experience practicing in:

  • Preparing, lodging and securing EP Act Works Approvals and Licences
  • Preparing, lodging and securing amendments to EP Act Works Approvals and Licences
  • Compliance reporting in accordance with regulatory approvals
  • Environmental auditing
  • Environmental risk assessment
  • Environmental management plans
  • Strategic environmental review and advice
  • Annual environmental reports

General Services ? View service descriptions

Environmental Impact Assessment and Approvals
Environmental Management Plans (EMP)
Waste - Liquid Management
Compliance Reporting


Bachelor of Science (Chemistry) from the University of Western Australia 1981
Master of Business from Curtin University 1988