Paul West

Full Member


I am an environmental/government relations professional with almost 30 years experience, both locally and overseas. I have managed multidisciplinary teams that encompass sustainability, engineering, heritage and environmental science. My knowledge and experience covers environmental impact assessment, environmental offsets, sustainability reporting, stakeholder engagement, environmental management, mine closure, compliance and environmental management systems. My extensive experience has been obtained through working for State Government agencies, large engineering and environmental consulting firms and an ASX listed/Fortune 500 company that specialised in mining iron ore.

I have extensive experience in progressing resource and infrastructure projects through the Western Australian and Commonwealth environmental approvals processes, specialising in environmental impact assessment, approvals, offsets, condition setting, environmental management and compliance.

I am currently a director of West Environmental and provide environmental support to a range of clients, including Main Roads Western Australia. I provide strategy approvals related support and regularly represent clients at meetings with Western Australia's EPA, DWER and the Office of the Appeals Convenor, and the Commonwealth's Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water.

Experience practicing in:

  • Environmental Management Plans (EMP)
  • Environmental Impact Assessment and Approvals
  • Compliance Reporting
  • Project Management
  • Offsets

General Services ? View service descriptions

Environmental Impact Assessment and Approvals
Compliance Reporting


Bach of Science (Biology)
Post Grad EIA