Paul Whittock

Full Member


Since his initial experience working with leatherback turtles in 2002, Paul has dedicated his education and professional career to the management and conservation of marine turtle species worldwide. Working as a specialist consultant in Australia since 2009, he has overseen several high-profile marine turtle monitoring programs for industry sector clients including Chevron (Gorgon and Wheatstone), Santos (Varanus Island), and Rio Tinto (Amrun Queensland). He is passionate about utilising technology to improve the safety, efficiency, design, and quality of marine turtle monitoring programs in remote and difficult to reach regions of Australia.

Paul’s academic research and publications have been instrumental in his career progression. He has a Bachelor's degree (with Honours) in Ocean Science, a Master's degree that investigated the integration of sea level rise scenarios and climate change adaptive strategies into marine turtle management plans, and a PhD that focused on assessing the threats from industry to marine turtles situated offshore in Western Australia. Paul is also a member of the IUCN Marine Turtle Specialist Group (MTSG) and a qualified UAV pilot (multi-rotor

Experience practicing in:

  • Marine Turtle Monitoring
  • Satellite Tracking of Marine Turtles
  • UAV Aerial Surveys
  • Management/Monitoring Plans
  • Artificial Light Assessment
  • GIS Analysis

General Services ? View service descriptions

Environmental Management Plans (EMP)
Remote Sensing/GIS analysis
Marine Ecology (Fauna & Flora)


PhD Marine Turtles and Industry, James Cook University (2017)
MSc Environmental Management and Protetcion, University of Edinburgh (2007)
BSc (Hons) Ocean Science with Geography, University of Plymouth (2003)
Cert IV Applied Project Management, Murdoch University (2012)