Peter Collins

Full Member


Peter Collins holds a Bachelor of Science's (Hons) Degree from the University of Western Australia and has more than twenty-five years experience in environmental impact assessment and management planning. He has managed numerous environmental studies and has extensive field experience in marine, coastal and wetland habitats through investigations undertaken for oil exploration and production, ports, marinas, residential and tourist developments throughout Western Australia. Peter has participated in numerous baseline biological and habitat mapping studies, and has designed and implemented environmental management programs and biological and water monitoring programs for oil fields, port and harbour developments, industrial and domestic effluent outfalls, marinas and canal developments. In 1998 he established Environmental Assessment and Management Consultants to provide services to clients working in marine, coastal and aquatic environments.

Experience practicing in:

  • Environmental impact assessments
  • Marine botany
  • Project Environmental management
  • Coastal and wetland management
  • Environmental management and monitoring programmes
  • Environmental reporting
  • Data analysis and interpretation

General Services ? View service descriptions

Project Management
Marine and Coastal
Environmental Impact Assessment and Approvals
Data Management, Analysis
Environmental Management Plans (EMP)
Terrestrial Flora/Vegetation