Roger Dharmarajan

Full Member


Roger is conscientious and proficient ecologist with 15 years of survey experience across all regions of Western Australia including the Swan Coastal Plain, Jarrah Forrest, Geraldton Sandplains, Avon Wheatbelt, Coolgardie, Mallee, Gascoyne and Pilbara Bioregions.

Roger is experienced in conducting surveys in accordance with the requirements of EPA Technical Guidance for flora and vegetation surveys. The outputs from the surveys completed by Roger have been used as baseline assessments to information environmental impact assessment reports, monitoring of rehabilitation and long-term spatio-temporal flora and vegetation changes, weed surveys and targeted surveys for threatened and priority flora.

Roger is responsible for all aspects of botanical/ecological surveys including survey design, project planning, field surveying, plant identification, data analysis and interpretation, and reporting. Roger also supervises and mentors less experienced staff, whilst managing complex botanical and ecological projects.

Experience practicing in:

  • Botanical survey design, planning and delivery – basic and detailed surveys, targeted surveys, weed mapping
  • Plant identification
  • Environmental Management Plans
  • Basic Fauna Assessment – Including Black Cockatoo Habitat Assessment
  • Desktop environmental assessments including flora, vegetation, fauna and landform and climatic assessments
  • Project and Contractor management

General Services ? View service descriptions

Environmental Management Plans (EMP)
Terrestrial Vertebrate Fauna
Terrestrial Flora/Vegetation


Master of Science, University of Western Australia
Bachelor of Agricultural Science, Annamalai University, INDIA