Sarah Scott

Full Member


Sarah Scott is a Principal marine ecologist at BMT with a double major in marine biology and zoology with honours in marine biology from the University of Western Australia. Sarah has over 15 years professional experience in environmental impact assessment, auditing, compliance and approvals, research and science communication. Since joining BMT in 2007, Sarah has been involved in management of many projects including an ongoing resource dredging project, environmental impact assessment, audit and compliance and biological surveys for clients associated with West Australian marine resource and infrastructure projects. Sarah is an accredited lead auditor.

Experience practicing in:

  • Project management
  • Environmental Impact Assessment
  • Environmental auditing
  • Environmental management programs
  • Changes to proposals
  • Compliance assessment

General Services ? View service descriptions

Project Management
Marine and Coastal
Environmental Impact Assessment and Approvals
Environmental Audits
Environmental Management Plans (EMP)
Waste - Liquid Management
Compliance Reporting