Scott Bird

Full Member


Scott Bird is the Principal Scientist and Director of the environmental consultancy firm 360 Environmental. Australia and has practiced as an environmental management consultant in Western Australia since 1987. He has managed a wide range of environmental impact assessments ranging from overseas mining projects (to world bank standards) through to residential subdivisions involving the WA approval process. Other projects include canal and harbour developments, industrial projects and waste management projects. Scott has specialist skills in contamination and the environment particularly with regard to the assessment and remediation of soils, waters and sediments.

Experience practicing in:

  • Project management
  • Environmental auditing
  • Environmental impact assessment for mining and other projects
  • Contaminated site assessment and remediation
  • Environmental management plans
  • Strategic approvals advice
  • Water quality assessment

General Services ? View service descriptions

Project Management
Environmental Management Systems (EMS)
Environmental Impact Assessment and Approvals
Environmental Audits
Contaminated Sites
Data Management, Analysis
Environmental Management Plans (EMP)
Compliance Reporting