Terratree Pty Ltd

Corporate Member


Terratree Pty Ltd is a progressive environmental consultancy based in Midland, Western Australia, specialising in ecological assessments, environmental management, and Green Card Training.

The company was established in 2012 and services the resources sector, land developers, utilities, and state and local governments. With both Botany and Dieback teams, Terratree is the only consultancy in WA that can undertake large-scale Dieback and Botanical surveys concurrently.

Terratree provides clear advice about survey timing, regulatory expectations, approval time frames, and cost. This helps to avoid unnecessary delays and minimise the cost of environmental assessments and approvals for our clients.

The team at Terratree takes a pragmatic, outcome-based approach to ecological assessment. Field surveys are designed to collect the correct data as safely and efficiently as possible.

We take pride in the quality and integrity of our reports which incorporate the latest in ecological research and environmental impact assessment techniques. We have substantial relevant experience in liaising with regulatory agencies and developing strong relationships with stakeholders.

Experience practicing in:

  • Flora and Vegetation Surveys
  • Phytophthora Dieback Assessments
  • Rehabilitation Monitoring
  • Revegetation Planning
  • Green Card Training
  • Environmental Management Planning
  • Wetland Assessments
  • Dieback Management

General Services ? View service descriptions

Dieback Mapping and Management
Training Provider
Environmental Management Plans (EMP)
Terrestrial Flora/Vegetation