Tristan Sleigh

Full Member


Tristan has over 15 years of experience in environmental assessment and management. He has provided technical and specialist advice to clients and various project teams, as well as managed all project aspects from scoping through to delivery. Tristan specialises in undertaking environmental impact assessments and working with clients to obtain licences and approvals for a range of infrastructure, renewable energy, petroleum and mineral projects. He has an extensive working knowledge of State and Commonwealth approval processes and is highly experienced in preparing approvals documentation including formal impact assessment documentation, offset strategies and management plans. Tristan has a strong ecological background enabling him to gain a thorough understanding of physical, biological and land use aspects and issues that may constrain major proposals, and to work collaboratively with clients to avoid, mitigate and offset these.

Experience practicing in:

  • Environmental Impact Assessment and Approvals
  • Environmental Management Plans (EMP)
  • Terrestrial Flora/Vegetation


BSc (Envionmental Biology) (Hons)