Roy Teale

Biota Environmental Sciences Pty Ltd
Full Member

General Services ? View service descriptions

Conservation; Environmental Impact Assessment and Approvals; Data Management, Analysis; Land Use Planning; Terrestrial Vertebrate Fauna

Shelley Shepherd

Urbaqua Ltd
Full Member

General Services ? View service descriptions

Project Management; Conservation; Environmental Impact Assessment and Approvals; Land Use Planning; Hydrology; Noise; Compliance Reporting; Aquatic/Wetlands

Stephen Rolls

RPS Environment
Full Member

General Services ? View service descriptions

Project Management; Conservation; Stakeholder Consultation; Environmental Impact Assessment and Approvals; Land Capability, Soils; Data Management, Analysis; Environmental Management Plans (EMP); Catchment Management; Land Use Planning; Rehabilitation; Terrestrial Vertebrate Fauna; Hydrology; Compliance Reporting; Aquatic/Wetlands

Susan Brand

MBS Environmental
Full Member

General Services ? View service descriptions

Project Management; Environmental Management Systems (EMS); Conservation; Stakeholder Consultation; Environmental Impact Assessment and Approvals; Environmental Audits; Data Management, Analysis; Environmental Management Plans (EMP); Catchment Management; Hydrogeology; Land Use Planning; Rehabilitation; Hydrology; Offsets; Compliance Reporting; Aquatic/Wetlands