GHD Pty Ltd

Sustaining Corporate Member

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Project Management; Environmental Management Systems (EMS); Air Quality; Conservation; Stakeholder Consultation; Environmental Impact Assessment and Approvals; Environmental Audits; Contaminated Sites; Land Capability, Soils; Data Management, Analysis; Environmental Management Plans (EMP); Catchment Management; Waste - Solid Management; Hydrogeology; Remote Sensing/GIS analysis; Land Use Planning; Rehabilitation; Waste - Liquid Management; Hydrology; Compliance Reporting; Terrestrial Flora/Vegetation; Aquatic/Wetlands

Andrew Mack

Talis Consultants Pty Ltd
Full Member

General Services ? View service descriptions

Project Management; Environmental Management Systems (EMS); Air Quality; Conservation; Stakeholder Consultation; Environmental Impact Assessment and Approvals; Environmental Audits; Contaminated Sites; Land Capability, Soils; Data Management, Analysis; Environmental Management Plans (EMP); Catchment Management; Waste - Solid Management; Hydrogeology; Land Use Planning; Rehabilitation; Waste - Liquid Management; Hydrology; Noise; Compliance Reporting

Lorie Jones

Sole Consultancy
Full Member

General Services ? View service descriptions

Project Management; Environmental Management Systems (EMS); Air Quality; Environmental Impact Assessment and Approvals; Environmental Audits; Contaminated Sites; Environmental Management Plans (EMP); Waste - Solid Management; Land Use Planning; Noise; Compliance Reporting

Murray Ryall

Honorary Member

General Services ? View service descriptions

Project Management; Air Quality; Data Management, Analysis; Compliance Reporting

Raymond Steedman

Full Member

General Services ? View service descriptions

Project Management; Environmental Management Systems (EMS); Air Quality; Environmental Impact Assessment and Approvals; Data Management, Analysis; Environmental Management Plans (EMP); Hydrogeology; Waste - Liquid Management; Terrestrial Vertebrate Fauna; Hydrology; Radiation; Compliance Reporting

S M Ashrafur Rahman

Full Member

General Services ? View service descriptions

Air Quality


Doctor of Philosophy, Queensland University of Technology, Australia, 2018 Master of Engineering Science, University of Malaya, Malaysia, 2015 Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology, 2012