Murray Ryall

Honorary Member


Murray Ryall has over thirty years experience related to both the mining and water industries throughout Western Australia and in the Northern Territory. His particular expertise lies in environmental data collection and management for statutory reporting requirements, including National Pollutant Inventory and National Greenhouse and Energy reporting. He has practical experience in mine rehabilitation and undertaking or supervising monitoring in most environment related areas. Murray has managed the preparation of documents for annual environmental reports, new project approvals, environmental management plans for small and medium sized mining companies, and specialises in NPI and Greehouse accounting and reporting. Murray has been a consultant since 1991, he retired from full time consulting in December 2015.

Experience practicing in:

  • National Pollutant Inventory (NPI) accounting and reporting
  • Greenhouse footprints for mining approval process
  • National Greenhouse and Energy (NGER) accounting and reporting
  • Environmental data management

General Services ? View service descriptions

Project Management
Air Quality
Data Management, Analysis
Compliance Reporting