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Air Quality

Managing, modelling, and/or monitoring and reporting air emissions


Providing ecological advice on terrestrial water ways, lakes and wetlands. Conducting surveys to define wetland values and monitoring aquatic wetland systems. Assessment and management advice for terrestrial/surface Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems

Catchment Management

Assessment and planning the management of human impacts on catchments and receiving water bodies

Climate Change

Identification of climate change risks to the built and natural environment and developing tailored adaptation options to respond to these risks

Compliance Reporting

Development and presentation of submissions that are required under the approvals to ensure compliance with statutory obligations.


Providing advice relevant to the protection of natural environments and developing and/or implementing conservation programs

Contaminated Sites

Investigating, quantifying, monitoring and/or remediating of contaminated sites

Data Management, Analysis

Compiling and managing large environmental datasets. Services may include development of relational databases. Providing qualitative, statistical analysis or modelling of environmental data. Analysis and database management associated with projects in which your main involvement is another service, e.g. flora surveys, is not evidence of Data Management, Analysis capacity. The service is usually a standalone project provided to third parties who provide the data to be analysed.

Dieback Mapping and Management

Mapping and management planning for disease caused by the plant pathogen Phytophthora spp.

Environmental Audits

Auditing of an organisation’s environmental performance/compliance/systems

Environmental Impact Assessment and Approvals

Involved in assessment of environmental impacts of developments or policy decisions. Preparation of documentation for obtaining environmental approvals through the Commonwealth EPBC Act, Part IV or Part V of the State EP Act or via legislation administered by other regulatory authorities and Decision Making Authorities (DMAs).

Environmental Management Plans (EMP)

Preparation and/or implementation of Management Plans for activities that may have an impact on the environment

Environmental Management Systems (EMS)

Developing and implementing environmental management systems such as those meeting the requirements of the ISO 14000 standards


Hydrogeological modelling and analysis of ground water data, and/or groundwater sampling and reporting, and/or providing advice on the use and management of ground water resources


Hydrological modelling and analysis of surface water monitoring, and/or flood mitigation and/or providing advice on management of surface water resources

Land Capability, Soils

Providing advice on: managing soil constraints; minimising land degradation; soil productivity, and management strategies. Provision of land condition assessments and monitoring. Assessing the inherent physical capacity of land to sustain a proposed form of land use and management such as agriculture, plantation forestry or land based aquaculture without significant risk of degradation to land, soil and water resources.

Land Use Planning

Incorporation of environmental considerations into land development and resource use planning

Marine and Coastal

Providing advice on: Coastal, estuarine and / or marine physical and chemical baseline data collection; Potential risks to, and impacts upon, marine and coastal environments from anthropogenic effects (e.g. water pollution, dredging, coastal erosion etc); Management and monitoring of anthropogenic effects on marine and coastal environments

Marine Ecology (Fauna & Flora)

Providing advice on: design and implementation of marine fauna and flora studies; assessment of potential risks to, and impacts upon, endangered/threatened marine species and other ecological values; management and monitoring of anthropogenic effects on marine ecology

Mine Closure Planning

Preparation of mine closure plans, risk assessments, consultation, monitoring and reporting requirements


Managing, modelling, monitoring and reporting noise emissions in either marine or terrestrial environments


Development of registered offset package and strategies that are required for approved development projects

Project Management

Lead authors, client managers and responsibility for delivering project approvals, and other environmental projects that involve multiple stakeholders and disciplines. Project Management is a service applying to large, multi-disciplinary projects and management of a single service to these or smaller projects, e.g. vertebrate fauna surveys, does not constitute Project Management


Radiological monitoring. Developing materials management processes.


Developing and/or implementing restoration, rehabilitation or revegetation programs

Remote Sensing/GIS analysis

Use of satellite mapping, aerial photography and geographic information systems to collect, analyses and present multi layered and multi themed data for planning and decision making affecting the environment

Stakeholder Consultation

Communicating with a variety of stakeholders groups regarding developments, policies or activities relevant to environmental assessment and management. Stakeholder Consultation associated with projects in which your main involvement is another service, e.g. obtaining an environmental approval, is not evidence of Stakeholder Consultation. The service is usually a standalone service provided to third parties to facilitate community feedback

Subterranean Fauna

Providing ecological advice on Australian subterranean fauna. Conducting subterranean fauna surveys


Advisory services across a range of areas from sustainability strategies through to the implementation of sustainability initiatives for business and projects

Terrestrial Flora/Vegetation

Providing ecological advice on Australian native flora and vegetation. Conducting flora and vegetation surveys

Terrestrial Invertebrate Fauna

Providing ecological advice on Australian terrestrial invertebrate native fauna. Conducting terrestrial invertebrate fauna surveys

Terrestrial Vertebrate Fauna

Providing ecological advice on Australian terrestrial vertebrate native fauna. Conducting terrestrial vertebrate fauna surveys

Training Provider

Preparation and delivery of training courses aimed at developing skills of practitioners in one or more environmental service categories.

Waste - Solid Management

Monitoring, planning, designing and/or management of industrial and domestic solid waste.

Waste - Liquid Management

Management, monitoring and planning of industrial and domestic liquid waste and/or supplying WWTP/Tailing ponds